Jag tror ju med bestämdhet att jag varit en fågel i tidigare liv
& nu drar jag söder ut på liten flytt ett tag,känns lite läskigt.
Jag älskar mitt Göteborg, men älskar tryggheten & värmen
i alla gamla vänner sen unga år som jag nu ska få leva lite med.
Lägenheten är tokstädad & det gapar tomt i garderober & lådor.
Fasen va svårt att veta allt man ska ha med för att leva normalt.
Det står 11 kassar & väntar i hallen + kameran & datorn.
BÄRA BÄRA BÄRA...har inte det alltid varit min lott i livet!
Vi hörs snart från sydligare breddgrader.
Var rädd om dig & lycka till!
SvaraRaderaTusen tack kära du, det är sååå roligt!
SvaraRaderaMan ska väl inte säga så mkt ännu men det är verkligen inspirerande & sååå jag!
according to google translate :P you love your gothenburg, and i am from argentina and been living in the u.s. for 6 years already and i'm very tired of it, so i'm actually considering of going to study there (or stockholm ... or denmark... or maybe finland! :P)! would you mind if i asked you a few questions about gothenburg?
- Eric
Eric: You are right, I love Gothenburg. I´m from the south of Sweden from the beginning, but now living in Gothenburg for the last 13 years. Back in south of Sweden for a job-project for a short stay. Feel free to ask, and I will try to answer the questions you may have.
hola Åsa, tack for the help! :-)
SvaraRaderathe 2 univs in sweden i applied to are chalmers univ and KTH, so the possibilities would be living in either stockholm or goteborg. so, what do you think of these cities? where would you choose to live?
cost of living in either one? which one is cheaper?
ok, i stop here so that i don't overwhelm you :P
- Eric
Hola Eric!
SvaraRaderaDe nada...if I could be any help I will.
Stockholm is our pride and the capitol of Sweden, but I love the calm and nice people in the second biggest own Göteborg!
I´ve been living and working in both cities and I prefer Göteborg but can´t choose which one you should go for. Sthlm is "THE CITY" in Sweden (if you want a life of opportiunities) and lovley, Gothenburg is smaller but a little bit "kinder" in all of the human stress and ordinary life.
Buenas noches...;)
hablas espagnol? :)
SvaraRaderaso people are nicer in goteborg? i like the idea of a calmer city, but at the same time that would mean less opportunities (?) or it depends... it'd be easier to find a place to live, better lifestyle, and maybe a little cheaper (how much per month does a student need in general in goteborg? -- just basic needs --)
but less opportunities because maybe it'd be more difficult to find a part time job to help pay your expenses, what do you think? how difficult would it be for a student to get a simple job, maybe cleaning dishes at a restaurant, or whatever?
guten tag ... or that's german... let's see google translate :P god natt!! :-)